The program also provides several standard units files, which, if not sufficient, can be used to generate other, custom units files. A material data base editor is provided so the software can address additional materials not included in the code. Options affecting computations include 1988, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 material data bases, corroded nozzles, corroded hydrotest, corroded wind girder calculations, and wind pressures.
The software also provides control options for everything from calculations to screen colors, allowing the customization of the software environment on a directory basis. Context sensitivity help provides instant technical assistance for each data field, with code references as often as possible. A menu driven scroll and select interface provides logical options when and where expected. For much less than it would cost to build an in-house spreadsheet application, the software delivers the features and stability typical of a COADE software product, including immediate, top-rate technical support.
a comprehensive engineering software program for PC-compatible computers that designs and analyzes oil storage tanks according to the latest API-650 and API-653 codes.