The only 'index.js' file I found is located in C.\AppData\Local\Programs\AllToMP3\resources\\node_modules\sharp\lib\index.js This looks like good news! But could anyone please explain in layman terms what I have to do to patch the original files (I'm on windows 10). The root cause of invalid data remains a mystery to me, for that you need to be an ffmpeg expert, I reckon. Hence the PR, which redirects the conversion failure to the download failure handler.Įrror: ffmpeg exited with code 1: /tmp/ Invalid data found when processing input So after each failed conversion you have one fewer concurrent download, and after 4 failures, there's no downloading going on any more. However, when a conversion fails*, this next download is not triggered.
Error handlers are in place for when a download fails, which will trigger the next attempt/song to be downloaded. There are initially 4 concurrent downloads, and when a download finishes, it is converted using ffmpeg. Why downloading a playlist seems to stop somewhere in the middle is due to the following: The problem is that that fix is in a different library and hasn't been published to npm yet. I tracked down the issue while debugging, and was about to submit a PR, but found that it was already fixed in a PR.